This is the project I made after learning Unity for a week. I want to start adding more features as I learn about them. The aim is just to get from the starting landing craft to the metal plate in the top left without hitting anything or getting knocked over.

Controls are the standard WASD/arrows and SPACE lets Tankie do a little hop.

My future goals are to learn how to implement:

  1. Score
  2. Win/Lose screen
  3. Reset button
  4. Bombs do damage
  5. Shoot the canon with left-click
  6. Turret moves with the mouse
  7. Right-click aims through the turret
  8. Wheels move
  9. Better graphics
  10. More levels
  11. Destructible environment
  12. Enemy tanks

Let me know what you think and if there are any suggestions you have for improvements!

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